Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"We are not groupies. Groupies sleep with rock stars because they want to be near someone famous. WE are Band-Aids. We're here for the music."

Who's that girl?
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

I am what some like to refer to as narrow-minded, fake, judgmental, and bitchy, however, someone has to be that person. Though in the past I have been known to be a bit harsh on my “constructive criticism” I would like to take an opportunity to show off my better side, yes Amanda Mac notorious bitch of San Francisco has a nice side too. (See I even have a picture to prove it!)

Glancing around the blog one can assume that this is yet another music review page, however my background in music is not the typical musician gone reviewer. Instead I take on the behind the scenes roll, the person who drives equipment to shows, sends out those annoying friend requests to everyone on Myspace, and at the end of the night is the last one at the bar making sure all the gear gets back into the car. Yes that is correct, I am a musicians girlfriend.

What to expect next time

My blogsite is going to be a hybrid of review, interview, and witty commentary on the side. My next blog will be featuring indie/rock band Better Than Aliens

3 CD's That Will Get You On Your Feet!

BAND - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
ALBUM - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah (self titled)
SONG - The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth

BAND - Of Montreal
ALBUM - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
SONG - Gronlandic Edit

BAND - Q And Not U
ALBUM - Power
SONG - Wonderful People

The title of my first blog was a quote from one of my favorite movies, "Almost Famous. To order your own copy click the photo!


Shera said...

I enjoyed the self-deprecation and the blog title is clever. The changing animation is initially fun, but gets jarring after the first couple of viewings (it starts hurting the eyes pretty quickly).

Adding more unconventional visuals to your blog might up the interest. FYI, does a very cool job of this.

JiratuX said...

I too enjoyed the intro because...

1) It states who you are
2) It lists your credentials as a reviewer, interviewer, e.t.c.

I have to say that your page (outside of the pictures throughout the blog itself) is a little plain. I like your concept but I feel that if you wanna draw people into the content then you have to create the atmosphere.


Check out our website! said...

I have to say that I like the way you deliver to the audience. You have a style of writing that makes your blog interesting to read, even if the blog is sort of plain. On another note, you mentioned you are a musician’s girl; you should definitely provide your audience with music. I would like to hear some samples. Anyhow, I think this bog is a great tool for you to spread the word about you and your surroundings with a twist.

Anonymous said...

You know you did well, you don't need me to tell you that, and the image flashing as soon as you enter... Keep it. It just gets you pumped up to read what's next! And we're all rearing to hear something new and something good, so I can't wait to see what you've got planned. Because the only thing better than new music, is new music every week... which reminds me of a joke. What's better than sex with a 5 year old girl?... bending her over and pretending she's a 5 year old boy!...eh, you probably heard that one already. Oh well.. keep up the good work.